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What is and MDX file?

· 3 min read
Dani Vorobiev
Front End Engineer

Empowering the text

Markdown is a tool that allows you to write using an easy-to-write plain text format, that is converted to structurally valid HTML. Originally, it was intended to easly create content for the web. And it does it great. It's very intuitive so you can start using it just after learning the basic syntax. Once you write your plain text with proper Markdown syntax, the Markdown parser will convert it into valid HTML that reflects the intended layout and style. And lots of great platforms are powered by markdown syntax: Obsidian, Trello, Notion, Stack Overflow, GitHub, Jekyll, Docusaurus and much more. So if you're getting in the software development world, you will be using markdown for sure.

With Markdown youcan write text, lists, tables, code blocks, images, links, and much more. Let's put here an example of each one:

Text that is a quote

  1. First item
  2. Second item
console.log("Hello, world!");

Docusaurus is a project for easily building, deploying, and maintaining open source project websites.

These are some of the basic features of markdown. But there's much more. You can finde more detailed information in the Markdown Guide and in the GitHub Markdown Guide.

From MD to MDX

But what if you want to add some interactivity to your markdown file? You can use MDX for that. MDX is a markdown file that can contain JSX code. Isn't that great? If you use React, you know that JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML elements inside your JavaScript code. Once you get used to it, it gets really easy to write pages with this syntax. So with the MDX basically you can write React components inside your markdown file. Here goes an example:

Which in the code looks like this:

import BouncingBall from "../src/components/BouncingBall";

// All the markdown content

<BouncingBall />;

Basically, you just import the component and use it as you would use it in a React component. You can also declare variables and pass props to the components. So you can create a very interactive page with just a markdown file.

More cool stuff!

Being able to use JSX in markdown files gives you a lot of power. You can create almost anything you want. You can create a live code editor, for example. Let's have a look:

    <div style={{ color: 'rebeccapurple' }}>
      <h1>Hello world!</h1>
    <h2>You can edit this test in the live editor.</h2>

How cool is that? You can write code and see the result in real-time. And you can do this in a markdown file.